Monday, May 07, 2007

Work hard..Play hard...

Of late I have been involved in these long discussions with my class mates about balancing professional career with personal life. I guess everyone faces this issue once they exit their undergraduate life and enter the outside world. The fact that you are being paid money to do work (finally!!!) gets you really pumped up. You enter your office, in the first few months you see a lot of teams working their souls out, to meet their project deadlines. As time progresses you see more and more such incidents and get inspired to work your way into glory too. After a months you realize that you have landed directly at the footsteps of hell. Time flies past you and time spent in your day-to-day activities virtually reaches zero (No wonder I cant find time to blog these days!!!). This is a typical scene in every freshers' life in the part where he takes up a new job.
Initially I found this a bit surprising, but soon realized this is a common phenomenon in every software engineers life. When I looked at the ramblings of some of friends, I actually started looking at the issue with a whole new interest. It was infact amusing to note that even some of more sincere and hardworking friends also felt the same way. (I never even thought that these guys would ever crib about work in their life...I guess they are human too).


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